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I'm not even sure I actually want to play WoW again (or any MMO for that matter). But every time they announce a new expansion or raid, I feel a faint pull somewhere in the recesses of my soul. Perhaps for the game or, more likely, for the attached nostalgia of a simpler time, wrapped up in great memories I had playing that game for so many years.

It's natural, I suppose; I played a lot of WoW in its hey day. Fom the beta on through Wrath of the Lich King where my raiding and commitment to the game reached its peak. I made a lot of friends there and a lot of great memories. I then fizzled out during the course of Cataclysm, beginning to jump around to other MMOs looking to recapture a feeling none of them could match in the end. A short reunion tour in Legion back in 2016 was the last time my wife and I fired up the ol' accounts.

These days I have no interest in the sort of demands an MMO makes on your time. WoW may be advertising an "increased respect for players time" in the new expansion, but I'm not sure I'm falling for that.

And yet none of that quiets the distant siren's song inside me, tempting me towards a shore that my rational brain knows I can never return to.




I tried WoW. My brother got me to play the demo back in the early days of the Lich King, but seeing as I got my swords-and-sorcery fix via Dungeons & Dragons (and still do), which WoW borrows heavily from, it didn't grab me. Plus, I already was playing Runequest at the time, and weaning myself of that game, as well. I consider myself lucky in that MMO's have never had more than a tenuous grasp on me. I also play way too much Monster Hunter.

Stephen Shook

I miss being in a guild for the Cheers effect. It was nice having a place where everyone knew you but, Stull got new people. Really hard to do outside of MMO. Couple that with enjoying healing and tanking, I really do miss that. Unfortunately takes to much time away from the physical world when your partner doesn't play.