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I'm very easy to please when it comes to a game like Diablo; I want to switch off my brain and shred screens full of enemies, their bodies vomiting forth copious amounts of shiny NUMBERS GO UP goodness.

It seems like such a simple formula, but for some reason Diablo 4 struggled with it at launch. Like Blizzard had forgotten every lesson they'd learned with Diablo 3.

I enjoyed D4 enough at launch, but burned out really quickly when Season One rolled around. It was just so... bleh. Grindy, dull, uninspired. Everything felt slowed way down, and the whole "Ooh it's a bunch of enemies you usually fight, but now they're CORRUUUUPTED" thing was such a snoozefest. And similarly, I find Season 2's vampires equally boring as an antagonist.

But it doesn't matter, because season 2 is finally figuring out what counts: showering you with power fantasy. The XP/level advancement feels brisk and the loot is plentiful. Oh my goodness is the loot plentiful. I am regularly sorting through an inventory full of legendaries, and I love it. This is what I want from a Diablo. This I'll come back for every season despite whatever nonsense plot they come up with to justify it.




Ya, I've basically just entirely given up on Blizzard games, and the fact that the company as a whole seem to have a Dory-length memory for design lessons is a fair part of it (honestly, the majority is that they still treat players as nothing more than life support systems for credit cards, there to be abused and exploited *just* short of the point of quitting, but the lessons thing is definitely a close second).

Shawn Spencer

I gave up early in Season 1 too. I'll have to check it out.