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Halloween is our favorite holiday, so we go pretty hard each year. This past spring when we were beginning to discuss our costumes for this year, we had just come off of The Mandalorian season 3, and talked about how fun it would be to dress up as our own covert of Mandalorians.

Fast forward to August, and I dove into what would be two months straight of 3D-printing, bondo, sanding and so many stages of painting. And for my wife, two months of patterning, cutting, and sewing flight suits and flak jackets. Four full costumes in two months was definitely biting off a stupid amount to chew, and I may have questioned some life choices at a couple of points along the way, but I'm thrilled to say we got there in the end, and we are spending Halloween as Mandalorians.

Hope you and your families have a great day today!

This is the way.



Alex Thunder

This is the absolute burning way! Awesome!

James Noelck

With that quality you should show up to Dragoncon and show off.