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After repeatedly touting how hardcore their end game was leading up to release, recent word from Carbine suggests they're refocusing their efforts on more single player endgame content, after the "analytics" showed that their players aren't engaging with the hardcore raid content. Combined with the recent announcement of "Megaservers", ie condensing servers to preserve population density, it looks like Wildstar isn't doing so hot, and they're trying to course correct before its too late. More in my newspost tomorrow, but endgame was the reason I left Wildstar, despite enjoying the hell out of the game.




I've bailed on Wildstar too. Never even made it close to raid content. Getting to 50 was a lot of fun, being 50, starting to gear up through veteran adventures, that was fun too. Trying to do veteran dungeons, and actually get silver or better? That felt a lot like progression raiding back in the early days of Rift, spend an hour to figure out each encounter (or have someone tell you how to do it, and it still takes 4 or 5 tries). That was just 5man content, I wouldn't want to see the 20 or 40man raids, let alone the ridiculous farming you need to do for attunement. Would it be fun if you had a solid group of ~50 active players all willing to put in the time for it? probably, but I had a hard enough time getting 5 people together. Side note: the market is manipulated to all hell, or completely out of control, as prices fluctuate ten fold week to week. I dumped 35hrs in to Diablo 3 last weekend, patch 2.1, seasons, that'll keep my interest for the next couple weeks or months. Baphomet#1615 if anyone cares to join me for some rifts and grifts.