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I need to take a little time off, so I'm going to start releasing Starcaster Issue #12. However, while previously I would release an entire issue straight over a number of weeks, I think this time I'm going to try something different.

I'll still release Starcaster pages daily, Monday through Friday, but rather than doing that for 5 weeks straight, I'm going to do a week or two of Starcaster, followed by a week or two of one-shots. Then more Starcaster, etc. Then when issue #12 is done, I should be recharged and prepped to jump into the next big Analog and D-Pad arc.

Five weeks of Starcaster is great if you love Starcaster. But for those that don't enjoy Starcaster, five weeks is a reason to tune out. I can't ask/expect everyone to love every series I create equally, but having people tune out for a month isn't great. Hopefully this will be a happy medium. I still get some of the time off I need, you guys still get an issue of Starcaster, and those who aren't as interested in Starcaster (or who already follow the Starcaster Patreon where we're on issue #14) don't have to wait as long for some other content.

Let me know what you think, certainly happy to hear thoughts and feedback on the topic.



Eric Rossman

Works for me! Enjoy a break!


Hi, how does the "Comic for Monday 10/16" version - locked for us - differ from this higher-level one?


The higher tier gets a higher resolution image. The page for $1 patrons is the same resolution as on the website.