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Nat 20 are so much fun. Once befriended a very angry dragon after our ranger decided to try to befriend it and rolled 3 nat 20's in a row on the Diplomacy check. DM said "ya, fuck it, the dragon is now your best friend".


Let's not forget that Player 1's character, Groff, is a goddamn barbarian, and he's chugging a potion of strength in this comic. If he initiates rage, the bonuses to his Strength score are going to stack, and essentially make the stones akin to a Jenga pile even with a rolled 15. Granted, a natural 20 would be cool, but could also backfire...

Steffen Knoll

The stone pillar flies across the plane … with the shackle still intact … and anchored to the pillar and the soul … which follows it down the hill like a dog chained to a giant marble.