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So Patreon finally just launched a feature they've been testing- Collections. What does that mean? It means that I can finally take all Patreon content of a similar type, and put it into its own container.

It hasn't been easy to navigate the Patreon archives. Up until now you've had to rely on post tags and keyword searches to find old posts, but now with collections, you'll easily be able to access all of the Patreon content you're supporting!

I've already made a collection for all of the Analog and D-Pad One Shots; you should see the option for "collections" as a dedicated tab at the top of the home page. At some point I'll work on collecting some of the other old content like the Ask Chef Brian strips, and wallpapers as well, to make them easier to find.

Inability to easily navigate past content on Patreon has always been a bit of a sticking point for me. With the advertising industry on fire for the past couple of years, we've slowly been approaching a point where I may decide to move the comic as a whole to a Patreon endeavor, but the lack of easy-access archiving here made that undesirable.

I hope to keep the comic free to read for as long as possible, but in the event it has to become subscriber only, tools like collections are a step towards making it easy to sort and browse the content I create without having to backtrack through years of posts.



That's great news. I have a lot of backstory to catch up on.

Michael Knudson

Since Starcaster is its own Patreon, would it be worth making a collection for each issue so it's easier to jump back and look something up, or is there a bunch of overhead/UI frustration with managing a dozen collections? (There is the website archive for publicly released issues, but the website archive...well, could be easier to navigate.)