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Honestly, I played like 5 hours of Odyssey before I just felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of "things" to do/track. Never touched Valhalla. AC games just got too big and too demanding of my time. Hearing that AC Mirage is going back to its roots, with a shorter and more assassin-focused experience has piqued my interest a bit.



Shawn Spencer

Totally not on board with you here. I loved Odyssey. The story was genuinely epic, especially with the 3 expansions. Guessing Witcher 3 wasn't your thing either since it was pretty similar. Valhalla was all right.


Didn't say anything about the story, Shawn. My comment was directed at Odyssey/Valhalla adding so much filler side-content to pad the 'X hours of gameplay' quote on the box that it becomes too massive/diluted. Even if you want to mainline the story, you're forced to actively ignore a map filled to the brim with markers and collectibles and side quests, generally the same content copy pasted over and over to create a "huge" RPG. Odyssey's story could have been just as "epic" without all of the busywork tacked on. And while it all may be optional, it still doesn't feel great to me. And clearly didn't feel great to a lot of other people, otherwise Ubisoft wouldn't feel the need to drastically reign things in with Mirage and create a more focused game. :)