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Frederik Sauer

D4 is still young… hell D2 was crap for a long time as well, and D3 still is in some ways

Shawn Spencer

Yeah, Balance is SOOOO important, for a game that is still, realistically, a single-player non-competitive title. I guess someone forgot to tell them this isn't WoW. And if it WAS WoW, frankly, we SHOULD have the ability to switch class specs on the fly like WoW has. Especially given what a huge pain in the ass it is to undo paragon boards.

Daniel Lim

Apologies if I misunderstood something, but I don't know... that's sounds a bit like "wait until you've played it for 100 hours, it starts to get good" or "only play the gold/ultimate/DLC-included/dozens-of-major-fixes-patches-later version - don't bother with the original". Off the top of my head, I can't think of any other industry where a product like that from a renown company would be accepted.