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Oh it is so disappointing.




Anthem was fun to fly around and shoot a bit before getting repetitive. Everything I have seen about Redfall makes me leery of even trying via GamePass


Anthem mostly got meme'd on so hard because it looked so ridiculously amazing in the gameplay trailers, and then just entirely failed to live up to that hype, including several features that were in the trailer and got yeeted before release.

Ian Kester-Haney

Used to be Blizzard launches that always crashed and burned in the online multiplayer. Then came EAs turn and now Bethesda can't keep their shit together. You'd of thunk Fallout 76 would have been a big heads up. I guess even Xbox/Azure can't keep it together either.


Ehh, Fallout 76 was a meme for a bit. But from what I understand, they managed to mostly right that ship. I know it still has an active playerbase of some sort.