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I'm excited for Jedi: Survivor. Jedi: Fallen Order was great. Not perfect, but great. And Survivor looks even better. Gameplay looks tight, reviews so far are very positive, and I can't wait to wield Kal's lightsaber(s) again.

Buuuut... from the moment I pick up the controller, I know I won't be able to ignore the ticking clock in the back of my mind. The sound of May 12th speeding in my direction.

It's not rational, it's artificial and self-imposed, but it happens when two (or more) games I'm dying to play release too closely to each other. I know myself too well. I know that if I stop playing game A to dabble with game B, nine times out of ten I don't make it back to game A for years. And if I postpone game A until after I'm done with game B, by that time game C will be out, then game D, etc, and it will be years before I get to game A.

But I'm not panicking yet... I think I can do this. Two weeks should be plenty of time to finish Survivor... should be. Depends on the collectables situation. Three weeks would feel better, but I think two is doable. Ponchos I could ignore, but I think this time they've got some cool outfits to find. We'll see.

I certainly don't want to rush through Survivor or anything, but Tears of the Kingdom is pretty hard to ignore. The track (my free time) can't accommodate them both simultaneously, so I've got to make two weeks work if I want to avoid a collision.

I can do this.


Now, switching gears real quick...

In the very near future, I'm going to be launching a Kickstarter for a fun, quick card game I designed. This will be my first non-CAD related Kickstarter.

When I put out a book of the comics, it's 100% for you, the people that read the comic. You're the only people I need to tell about it. CAD readers are the audience for CAD books, and it's as simple as that.

For this project, though, I have no idea what to expect. I'm certain there's some crossover, some percentage of my audience that enjoys tabletop card games, but I can count on nothing, assume nothing. I may need to reach further. So I'm going to ask for your help.

Obviously I'd appreciate it if you would check it out when we go live. But more than that, I need to get as many eyes on the game as possible, in the event that the percentage of CAD readers interested aren't enough to get us to our goal. So when the project launches, I'd ask you to consider sharing it around, on social media or wherever. Expanding the reach beyond my typical boundaries may be the difference between making it happen or not.

You can use the above link to be notified when the campaign launches, but I'll give you a heads up here as well. I don't know what will happen with this, if it will do anything or not, but I've had a lot of fun designing and playtesting the game so I'm excited for this next step regardless.



Mattias Horn

My delivery got delayed to next week. Will send them this comic, maybe they can relate.

Jason Nichols

Given I'm on PC and all the reviews for survivor says plays like ass because it's NEVER optimised for PC at launch, imma be taking a wait till the reviews go up approach on that one