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Monster Energy Drinks is suing some indie game developer because their game (Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals) has "Monster" in the title (they went after Ubisoft some time back for a similar reason).

A friend of mine joked that Capcom had better watch out, but I found out today Monster already tried to file trademark claims against Monster Hunter (and Pokemon, and hundreds of others), but the Japanese told them to go fuck themselves.

What a bunch of copyright trolls.




Really, we just need way more robust anti-SLAPP laws. In the case of any suit alleging IP infringement, anti-competitive behavior, or any of the other various types often used in SLAPP-style suits, if the anti-SLAPP motion is successful, the plaintiff automatically pays all legal fees of the defendant *and* an additional penalty, as a percentage of their revenue, split in some manner between the court and the defendant, for wasting both the defendant's and the court's time. I bet these idiotic frivolous lawsuits would dry up right quick if a company stood to lose tens of millions in penalties when the lawsuit is slapped down as bullshit.

Chris Helm

Pretty sure that Cookie Monster was there first!