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November Patron Q&A

Uploaded by CtrlAltDel on 2016-12-01.


Paul F

The animated series still makes me giggle.


Thanks for answering another one of my questions, I appreciate getting an understanding of the ups and downs of what you went through to bring us The Animated Series. Maybe you could do a goal-based crowdsourcing? Every $X raised funds another animated episode, to be released... when it's done (and not have to rush it). Maybe add a week or two of time for any stretch goals after the initial amount is hit for longer episodes, better effects, whatever. Pre-releasing a couple sentence synopsis of what the next couple episodes would be about as a teaser/loose story line, so people basically vote with their money on what stories they want to see more of, etc... just tossing out some ideas to mull over, if this might better fit your schedule and desire for quality