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Ok Patrons... beyond just giving you the comic early this time, I actually require your help. I need to make sure that this comic reads the way I want it to, and that it doesn't come off as offensive. That's not my intention. My goal is a condemnation of the way Marvel goes about these sorts of things... instead of developing awesome female heroes and heroes of color, and making them stars, they gender/race swap their big heroes for what will ultimately be a temporary story arc, and announce it with such fanfare ("Look at us! Look at how modern and progressive we are!"). The entire thing feels, to me, gimmicky and exploitative, and counter-productive. By treating any variation on heroes outside "white male" as a sideshow attraction to sell issues. I do not want it to seem like I'm in any way opposed to the core element here (changing these heroes for the sake of diversity). Just the spin they put on it. I look forward to your thoughts.



Garrett Groman

You're good. Agree with adding the disclaimer.


Mythologically speaking the only times Thor turns into a woman is when he looses his hammer. Because as a matter of "mythological fact" (*hrm*) Mjølner is the name, and a metaphore, for Thor's penis.