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Look, a good idea is a good idea, so I'd rather a company be late to the party with the good idea than not arrive at all out of stubbornness. But Sony has seemed late to the party and awful lot lately.

I still maintain that the Xbox Gamepass is one of the best deals in gaming- for the price, the access to games is an awesome value, and more times than I can count I've been ready to buy a game only to look and find "oh, it's free on GamePass." So it's awesome that Sony is finally going to try and ape that with Playstation Plus.

They've suddenly just discovered 'loyalty programs' too, apparently. That's fine, those are generally pretty decent for the consumer as well, so bring it on, even if you're literally the last to the table.

But I'm always amused by the way they word their press releases, like they're super excited to show us this brand new thing they've created, with buzz words in quotes like "bear with us, we know this is a craaaAAaazy new concept..."



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