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Hi Patrons!

I wanted to share a couple of bits of news with you. First up, I've learned there's a nifty change coming down the pipeline for Patreon: tags! When these go live (they're in beta now, so I'm not sure everyone can see them), I'll be able to assign tags to each post I make so they're easier to find down the line.

For instance, I'll tag all of the Analog and D-Pad one shots, so if in the future you wanted to find them all, it will be much easier than searching through all 400+ posts I've made here. Pretty handy.

Also, I want to try out a new Patreon perk: Creator Q&A.

While I hope we'll eventually work our way back up to the Chef Brian milestone so you guys can ask him questions again, in the meantime I thought I'd see if you guys want to ask me some questions.

So each month I'll make a post where you can ask your questions, and I'll pick a few and record my answers in video-form. This will be open and available to all Patrons, regardless of pledge tier.

So with that said, if you've got a question you want to ask me, you can reply to this post. If you're curious about the comic in general, a specific comic, my process, my favorite cereal, whatever; feel free to ask. If it's something I don't feel comfortable answering, I simply won't. But it doesn't hurt to ask.

And like I said, if this is something you guys like, we'll make it a regular thing.


Chris Leake

Just wondering what happened with the idea of collecting The Campaign into PDFs.