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Finding out we're getting a new Ron Gilbert Monkey Island was not news I was expecting to receive this week.

I have some very fond childhood memories of the first Monkey Island, and that can very easily lend itself to an abundance of hype. But it's been thirty years... that's a lot of built-up nostalgia to try and recapture, and so I have to try and remember to temper my expectations.




You fight like a dairy farmer! How appropriate; you fight like a cow. I hadn't heard about this. I have so many mixed emotions. I fondly remember falling asleep wearing headphones connected to my sega CD with the background sound from the dock area playing on repeat. It was a repeating sound of surf with occasional creaking from the planks of the docks. Of the handful of titles I had for that system, I most certainly put the most time into Monkey Island. Now I'm going to conveniently forget about this until around it's release date, so that I don't get inflated expectations. Some parts of getting old can prove useful that way.


"I'm a powerful demonic force! I'm the harbinger of your doom! And the forces of darkness will applaud me as I STRIDE through the gates of hell carrying your head on a pike!"