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About ten years ago, I made the very difficult decision to hit the reset button on my life's work. While I loved my job, I couldn't help but think that, given a decade of experience and a clean slate, I could do a lot of exciting things with these characters.

Fast forward to this morning at breakfast, and I realized I now have two decades of experience under my belt. Imagine the sort of things I could explore with a fresh slate now.

So I'm very excited to announce Ctrl+Alt+Del 3.0! The next chapter for these characters!

With this reboot, I will once again start fresh, throwing out all existing storylines for a new perspective to approach these characters from. In 3.0, we will see our main character, Ethan, a video-game-playing ghost hunter, tackling supernatural mysteries alongside his sarcastic and spectral sidekick, Lucas!

"A ghost hunter whose best friend is a ghost?! That's crazy!" I hear you saying.

It is! And it will add quite the twist on this friendship you thought you knew! As they attempt to unravel the mysteries of the unknown, as well as solve the cold case of Lucas' murder, they will encounter a wide variety of characters, some familiar, some brand new.

I'm really excited to take this journey with you guys, and I hope you're looking forward to the fresh start as much as I am!




Not gunna lie I’d totally read this as a side project has potential.


Very close to heart attack, here. Boooo! Lol