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Edward Culham

Think Ethen has a point here, he understands them though he is fighting for what is right

Shawn Spencer

Scott really is acting highly sociopathic. Like he feels any murder or worse is acceptable so long as it's what he feels will be beneficial to them.


I mean, the central *issue* is that Scott *doesn't* see Zeke as an intelligent entity possessing of rights, and in particular an ethical right to life. So he doesn't regard it as "murder". It's not sociopathic, any more than it's sociopathic to eat meat whilst some portion of human society feels animals are just as deserving of that right to life (and not being exploited) as humans. Sociopathy requires a complete *disregard* for the rights of others. That's not the same thing as believing that "other" is not a sapient intelligent and doesn't *have* those rights. That said, Scott is *absolutely* running from an ends-justify-the-means rationale here, and that's highly worrisome. That system of reasoning is responsible for some of the greatest crimes in human history. Few humans are simply out to destroy, kill, devastate, but *way* too many of them are willing to do exactly those things in the name of some "greater good". Still, I understand his root concern. AI has the potential to be *incredibly* dangerous, and not the least because humanity has a very long and established track record of xenophobia *even within our own species*. Essentially our entire volume of modern fiction points to a single conclusion: as soon as humanity as a whole becomes aware of the existence of sentient AI, and accepts that it is truly sentient, humanity (or some subset of it) will stop at *nothing* to destroy that AI. And as a newly-self-aware AI with access to that library of human data, the logical action would be to strike first. And that's to say nothing of the other issue Scott floated, that even if humanity *doesn't* try to destroy that AI intelligence, nearly every faction on the planet will try to (ab)use it to conquer/defeat/destroy their opponents.