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While I think the comic was funny, I am not sure what you are going on about. I personally do the absolute least with PvP I can as I do not play games for that, so if it is something related to that then I would obviously miss it.


You've missed the whole shitstorm this past week regarding the mod updates? Releasing them overpowered and guaranteed drop, so that people who sunk money in that first day or two could max out mods/characters, and then scaling back the drop rates and nerfing the mods right afterwards? Its almost as bad as the precrafting debacle back with the protection update. Not to mention having mod challenges use Cantina energy, and making the F2P credit crunch so much worse. I completed GW every day for months, and I've only completed it once since the mod update, due to my last two nodes featuring maxxed Gear 9/10 characters with full level 15 5-star mods. Rey critting for 30k and as much protection as Old Ben is impossible to withstand unless you have an equally modded team.