Comic for Friday 8/27 (Early High Res) (Patreon)
I'd assumed it goes without saying, but just to be on the safe side: the comics about "me" and my family should not be taken as historical recordings of fact. Though they are based on very real thoughts and personal observations, they are then filtered through the creative process to present then to you as entertainment.
That is to say, my wife did not just (after 16 years together) suddenly realize that games are a part of my work process. Nor does she give me grief over playing games in the middle of the day. I just want that officially stated, so that her record as the most amazing woman/wife/mother I know remains unblemished.
However a few days back someone asked me where I find the time to play the games I make comics about, and in answering it, I thought about the way *I* feel about playing games in the middle of the day.
There's a weird blurry line/boundary that comes with being self-employed/working at home, where it can be tough for people to define when you "are" or "aren't" at work. It's something each person/family needs to navigates for themselves, because every situation is different. There's a whole other facet to it when part of your work is literally doing a thing most people associate with leisure/off-work activity.
While it's true that my wife rarely gives me the stink eye if I were to sit down to play something at 1pm while she's vacuuming or watching the kids, I personally struggle to overcome my own projected guilt about it, despite being able to say with a straight face that it's part of my job.
As such, per the original question, I end up doing the lion's share of my gaming in the evening between 10pm-1am, after everyone is asleep. That way I can be relatively sure nobody needs me anymore.