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If I had an infinite amount of time, I would maintain some sort of online resource for gamers looking to get back into games they used to play. A sort of tool to walk them through what's changed and tips for easing back in.

It's tough enough going back to a game in-progress when you're well past the tutorial sections and you don't remember the controls/plot. It's even worse when a game has evolved so much through updates and new features you don't even recognize it anymore.

I recently tried getting back into The Division 2, and not only is most of the playerbase firmly in endgame now, but there are so many new systems and season passes and mechanics that I don't even have the faintest clue how to progress from where I left off to where everyone is playing. It kind of resembles the game I remember, but may as well be in a different language.




PoE has this issue like crazy. Just jumped back into it this league (season) after several years away. PoE publishes a new league every ~3 months, each of which contains a new major content mechanic, and the vast majority of those mechanics are then carried forward in some capacity (usually as a ~10% chance to spawn on each zone or map you enter) for future leagues. They've had over 30 leagues thus far, so jumping back in is a *very* steep hill of learning to climb. So many different mechanics, some of them extremely detailed and deep, and all of them things you run into pretty regularly in the course of normal gameplay.

Macthe Ball

I got back into the first Division, at level 29, and I could not get anyone to help me to get to level 30. Took me over a month of playing to finally get to 30. I still cannot get people to help me get further. Falling behind sucks.