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From the get-go, the Avengers game heroes were clearly not the MCU versions. I know a lot of people struggled to accept that, but I was always content to simply let them be a separate thing and tell their own story; after all, we've had countless versions of these characters across different media, so why not one more? And the game's campaign did a pretty good job of solidifying an original take on the team.

Now the game is introducing MCU costumes from Endgame, and as an MCU fan I am thrilled. From day one I have loved the combat mechanics in this game, and now being able to bring in some incredible looks from the MCU while I smash robots is even better.

At the same time though, it's hard to ignore that it directly challenges my attempts to view these heroes as separate iterations. While once Avengers-game Hawkeye was just a version of Clint Barton doing his own thing, wearing Jeremy Renner's Ronin costume suddenly makes him an imposter, a cosplayer doing a bad impression of Jeremy Renner.

I find myself in the middle, stuck between loving the MCU costumes, and being unable to ignore how much they single-handedly make the game characters feel like Times Square Mascot versions of the cinematic heroes.

It doesn't help that the developers are only partially being faithful to the MCU outfits. Clint and Natasha both have their costumes from the film, but neither game character has the hairstyle to match. This hesitance to tackle the details makes me question how they'll handle Thor's thicc Endgame look.




Worked that way to a large extent with the Marvel Heroes quasi-MMO ARPG that ran for a few years there. The versions of the characters in that games were clearly not MCU versions, but they often added outfits inspired by the MCU films, or the older Fox series of X-Men films. I'm not ashamed to admit I forked over cash for some of them. It's actually a bit odd. I hate companies that try to extort money out of customers for QOL features (ex. for a while there, and maybe still, SWTOR was charging for *extra action bars*. WTF), and especially for player power. But I don't really have any issue with microtransactions for cosmetics, and if I like a game, I have little issue with throwing money at it to satisfy my fashionframe/path of fashion/etc. And as for the MCU, and superhero films in general, it's difficult for me to separate the film iteration of that character from that character period. Iron Man will always be Robert Downey Jr. to me. Wolverine will always be Hugh Jackman. Nick Fury will always be Samuel L. Jackson. Many of those actors/actresses simply made that character their own, and so effectively embodied the character that I'll never be able to separate the character from that actor.


Perhaps because I grew up reading the comics, with the concept of a multiverse instilled in me from the get-go, but I have an easy time viewing the different iterations as different realities. With that said, I certainly have favorites, and I'd be lying if I didn't think "RDJ" did this better sometimes when hearing another version, or reading a comic book. RE: Marvel Heroes... I'm hoping that Future Revolution will fill the void that game left behind :B