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Last year we started watching Star Wars with the kiddos. The OT, the PT, all seasons of the Clone Wars, all seasons of Rebels, both seasons of the Mandalorian. Eventually we finished everything, and my oldest says "But Dad... what about Rey?"

Big sigh.

It's not that I *hate* the ST. They're not terrible, there's some stuff there I enjoy... I actually like The Last Jedi the most of all three because it's the one movie that tried to stand on its own, and not regurgitate the OT. It didn't succeed in 100% of the things it attempted, but I give it credit for trying. 

All in all, though, they're not movies that I get excited about watching. TROS especially... I'd only seen it the once. I walked out the theater and said to my wife "I don't think I will ever feel the need to watch that again for the rest of my life." It was a mess, and just shone a bright light on the fact that Disney had no plan going into that trilogy, and just made it up as they went along.

But it's still Star Wars, and the kiddos wanted to see everything.  So we did it. Now I've seen TROS twice. We're done having kids, so thankfully I should never have to do that again.



Glasses Character

My son is too little as of yet so I had to see TLJ and TRoS alone. I was incredibly disappointed in Skywalker but the teenager sitting next to me in the theater was audibly and authentically enjoying the movie. I think maybe after TLJ, I was just expecting too much from my favorite space wizard pew pew franchise.


I think the Mandalorian shows that it's still totally possible to create some really incredible stuff within the franchise, that there's tons of stuff to tap into. The big problem with the sequel trilogy is that they didn't have someone sit down and write all three movies beforehand. They let Abrams do his thing, then he handed it off to Johnson, who got to decide what happened next, and then back to Abrams to decide how to finish it. So tonally, the trilogy is all over the place, and characters are important, and then they aren't, or we're doing this and oh wait now we're doing this instead... it was just sloppy. The Mandalorian had a ton of different directors, but they were all working from a cohesive narrative for the entire season.

Lee Reynolds

For me, that was Frozen