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So I am a massive dumbass, and accidentally launched the Kickstarter campaign for the new book collections. They approved it, and I thought I was setting up a pre-launch landing page, and suddenly the whole thing was live.

YOLO, I guess. Anyway, I was going to spend the next week talking about all of the work I'd put into these books, etc etc and hyping them up for an early February launch date, and now I've put the cart in front of the horse. The campaign is live, it explains what each book is, and what to expect, so we'll see what happens.

There is an early bird discount for supporting all three books, and as my Patrons I'd wanted to give you a heads up about it beforehand. The link to the campaign is below. You guys have always been tremendous in your support of my work and keeping me going, and I'm eternally grateful. I'm hoping that my work is something you'd like to own in book-form, and if so you help in getting these made would be massively appreciated.




Adam Mease

I eagerly await getting this set to go next to the previous one that I still flip thorough every once in a while to reminisce.

Shawn Spencer

I supported as a placemarker for now - My one question is, I realize PDF digital copies come with the books, but do we have to wait all the way until September to get them? I realize the books will take awhile to print and ship, but will the PDFs be available sooner than that?


Good question. I'm not sure yet but... probably not? I could foresee potentially releasing those sometime between when the books go to print, and when they start shipping. I'll give it some thought.