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If there is one game for which my sheer desire to be involved with it is matched only by my intense aversion to actually playing it, it would have to be EVE Online.

For nearly two decades I have read articles like this one (https://kotaku.com/both-sides-claim-victory-in-massive-eve-online-battle-1845976167), and been drawn to and fascinated by the experience EVE seems to capable of creating. At the same time, nearly a dozen separate attempts to get into the game over that same time period  has proven me incapable of breaking through the dense barrier of "ugh" in order to get to that fabled, juicy pleasure center.

I know in my bones that EVE is not a game I enjoy playing, and yet every time I read about it, I wish it were.



Vincent Ouwehand

Only 1 plus, in the last few years eve online has gotten a little easier at the start. You have more starting skills, a better tutorial and can aquire skill points a lot easier then before. Also, there is a free to play mode now without limiting your options in the first year or 2. The newbro community is strong on top of that. Lots of them stream and meet through newbro oriented streamers (hence the wife now plays and is taking a leader role in that newbro community). Downsides, nullsec live (such as the fights in that article) is stale. Yes, there is a war, but the rest of nullsec is at a stand still due to "alliances and their coalitions". The question is if the war from the article will actually change that. If not, then CCP will have to do more things to make nullsec more dynamic. That sounds negative but it isn't. The game is so diverse that a stale area of gameplay means that another gets stronger. Highsec Incursions (pve) as well as highsec pvp groups thrive at this time and that goes for more then just those two.

Dmitry Mandriko

There is a singleplayer game I feel very similarly about. Dwarf Fortress. I'm incredibly fascinated by it from the outside, but deeply unwilling to get into it... Maybe when they get that graphic interface version on Steam. Maybe...