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A future with a true game-streaming service sounds fantastic. I love the idea of leaving the hardware to a supercomputer somewhere, and beaming games directly to people's TV with little additional hardware to upgrade/maintain. It's a fantastic concept.

But it has, thus far, not worked on a mass scale. There are still bottlenecks in places these companies have no control over. And yet to my surprise, these companies keep looking at what's come before, in all of its mediocre glory, and saying "Yeah, I'll have me some of that." (https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/24/21451371/amazon-luna-cloud-gaming-service-twitch-alexa-controller)

Big companies pushing this concept against its boundaries are probably the only thing that will push it to maybe eventually succeed. But in the meantime... meh.



Shawn Spencer

Not gonna lie. I'm keeping my Stadia account active. Just....because. In case. And free games every month...this appeals to me. Same reason I've kept my PS+ account active....has nothing to do with the system, everything to do with the monthly games..... And I have a gaming computer that I play it on that could handle the games easily....

Jason Nichols

dude....i love your work....but that things gonna give me nightmares XD