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Byron M.

Am I alone in not getting the reference? Maybe it's just because I'm not a console player.

Shawn Spencer

Curious if we're going to see a comic about all the bots that snatch everything up within seconds these days then triple the price.

Shawn Spencer

It's a reference to games still being released on PS4 that will also be on PS5. In this case, Spider Man, Miles Morales. Remember Switch did the same thing with Zelda, Breath of the Wild. Was also released on Wii U, despite the system being on it's way out.

Alain Baum

"Sir, you *are* aware that I requested a squad of a hundred new recruits to be able to keep my posi--" "Yes, but you are only getting those three! Is that a problem, sergeant? Do you think we can make new troops at will, cranking them out like in some kind of factory?"