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I'm glad that this game of chicken that Sony and Microsoft seem to have been playing with eachother over the price and preorder dates for these next gen consoles may finally be over now that Microsoft blinked.

There are some neat looking games coming to next-gen, but despite feeling like it's part of my job to experience and potentially comment on them, I'm finding myself generally not super-hyped about the launch of this next generation, and all of the secrecy about WHEN and IF we can order these things isn't helping in that regard.



Byron M.

Don't forget to order your pre-order, so you can pre-order the pre-order before the pre-orders launch.

Shawn Spencer

This is one of the few years when it might even make sense to pre-order some next gen consoles, since with supply limitations lately, God knows how long it will be before they're in full stock again. I mean, Switch is STILL low on stock and it doesn't look like it's going to be changing any time soon, and that system has been out quite awhile.