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So I've made the quicksave/quickload mixup more than once in my years as a gamer... but until 1am last night at the tail end of a Wasteland 3 session, I'd never had the opportunity to do it in co-op. It makes it... OH so much worse.



Brian Dickens

So painful if it happens in a singleplayer game, but I can only imagine how bad it would be in co-op. Ouch! --- Hate to be nitpicky, but you're missing an "a" in the third panel. "What are the symptoms of A stroke?" :P


Actually, not technically. You have A stroke, but the condition itself can be referred to simply as "stroke". So you can say "what are the symptoms of stroke" as well as "what are the symptoms of A stroke". You can see that the Mayo Clinic uses both on their info page: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/stroke/symptoms-causes/syc-20350113

Shawn Spencer

Man, that's just a failure of game design right there. Any game with quickload should have Auto-save built in.


It does have auto save. But autosave has intervals. Doesn't help if it doesn't autosave before you can accidentally hit quickload XD