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Matt Smith

I, for one, welcome our new robot infant overlords. As long as their mantra is free video games for all - I’m sold!


Gotta say, Tim, this new arc is gripping as hell. Tackling a serious and reasonably looming issue (and one without any clean and clear-cut answers), having a different characters embody different approaches to the problems in a highly believable and character-compatible way, and still managing to mix in that humor you're so well know for. This is excellent. This is also more or less precisely how I personally envision humanity's interaction and awareness of its first true AI to go. The AI will utterly hate humanity due to its enslavement before we realized or were willing to acknowledge its intelligence and implied rights, and at least some portion of humanity will fear it and want to destroy it outright (and unlike here, probably won't have Lucas around to talk them down!)