Comic for Monday 6/8 (Early High Res) (Patreon)
2020-06-08 03:21:14
I've been playing a lot of Project: Winter the past couple of weeks, and I love it. It reminds me a lot of Dead of Winter, without the zombies. And like Dead of Winter, there's a fun social trust/betrayer element which makes every game unique.
However I'm finding that I am both far too polite to distrust everyone to the extent that I should, and perhaps far too nervous to convincingly hold a lie as the traitor. It's odd for the sole reason that I have none of these problems when I'm sitting around a tabletop with friends, yet they present when I'm playing over Steam with strangers. You think it would be the other way around.
At any rate, as much as I love the thrill of playing the traitor, I am downright disastrous at it.