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I took the last month off while Starcaster #7 was updating. I'm not really certain I'd call it a "vacation." I didn't do much, if any, relaxing. I cleaned my office, which was long overdue, did some stuff around the house, spent some time learning 3D Modeling. Spent a lot of time with my family, which was awesome, but at the same time due to the circumstances of the world right now, our new normal still feels so surreal and askew.

Schools have been shut down since March, and in our area they've announced that they will not reopen this school year. So distance learning will continue until summer break. My wife and I have been sharing the responsibility of acting as teacher to our six year old, and while I don't mind doing it, it's been a big adjustment to daily life.

From what I hear, every school district is tackling this differently; some are doing nearly nothing, and some are piling on the assignments. Our's falls closer to the latter category, and over the past few weeks we've all (parents and teachers) been finding a balance and rythm to this homeschooling thing that most of us were not prepared for. It still amounts to 2-3 hours every morning of math, literacy, spanish, music, science, etc. Monday through Friday, the whole first half of our day is spent in school.

Part of me is frustrated that more of that will fall on my wife's shoulders as I return to work (the reason I took this vacation now was to balance that for a while), but I will admit that there's another part of me looking forward to returning to the comfortable routine of making comics, of writing and drawing.




My boyfriend of 6 years and his 12 year old son have moved in with my mom and I during the quarantine. I am currently getting said 12 year old to do his PE in front of our TV. I am sad I am out of job (laid off IT), but glad I am around to help with the online school.


Not to try a "who has the saddest quarantine" contest entry, but I envy you guys just a little. I live in a bachelor's apt and the only people I see in person now are masked grocery workers. I never thought I'd say this, but I kinda want to hang out in a crowded party. And I HATE crowded parties