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Hey Patrons! First, let me start by thanking you all again for your support of my work via this Patreon campaign. Your patronage contributes in a direct way to my ability to produce the comics I do, and at the level and volume I do.

Every month, Patrons now receive early access to comics, four exclusive comic strips and a wallpaper, depending on patronage level.

With that said, I'm curious if there are other bonuses you'd like to see offered here. What sort of things do you feel would add value to your Patreon pledge, either as additional milestones or additional pledge levels?

I'm not necessarily suggesting that I can add anything new, currently, but I'd love to hear directly from you all about the sort of things you'd like to see from me.


sean r.

agree with all the above comments, but if you insist on giving us more..... maybe think about doing the story arc polls only for patrons? I don't know if you want to do that, but it gives patrons a more "exclusive" vibe, and gives a bigger incentive for fans to become patrons....

Karsten Schmiedecke

"me, too" on most everything that has been posted previously. Especially the adblock aspect and console wars. Awesome idea, that last one! That said, while reading through the other suggestions, I've started wondering if there is a place for Lilah in the Analog/D-Pad series (or did I miss anything, are you leaving her out intentionally?). I remember her arrival catching me completely by surprise and the way she was able to make Ethan be... even more Ethan-esque, somehow. Anyway, she's turned into my favorite character of CAD 1.0 and I do miss seeing her in 2.0.


If I remember correctly, she's already been referenced in Analog/D-Pad. I think her name was used as the author of a newspaper article about the heroes - maybe implying she's coming in as the Lois Lane to Ethan's Superman?