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I wanted to get an idea of how all the elements of the game might look in play, so I used the assets I've created so far to do a quick mockup. Some graphic design isn't finished, like on the player sheet, but it gives a look at the game.

As you try to outrun the dragon, you're also choosing whether or not to trigger event tiles. Event tiles could net you treasure, or a helpful item... or trigger a trap.

Treasure that you collect gets placed in slots around your character card, as do injuries you receive. Once you reach slot #5, you begin to experience deficits such as a smaller hand size and slower movement. You need to balance having the most treasure, with being potentially overburdened. Likewise, you need to watch out for injuries occupying valuable card slots. Plus, if you reach a certain injury threshold, you're knocked down for a turn. Not ideal with a dragon on your heels.

Fortunately, you can use most treasure as a weapon, chucking that heavy gold scepter at someone's head in order to both hinder them, and free up space for a potentially more valuable treasure.

Should you be unfortunate enough to get eaten by the dragon, you lose... but you're not done playing. You'll then start drawing cards from a special Dragon deck, with abilities you can use to make the dragon even more dangerous, and help devour your former mates.

The player to reach the exit with the most treasure, wins!



Mattias Horn

Brilliant! Can't wait to play this with my son.

Henrik D. Mikkelsen

Wow, looks fantastic - my son just discovered my Legendaries Showdown set and he will go wild over this.