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Gareth Park

its hard not to see the villain as completely pathetic which i suppose is the point when ethan laughs at him but maybe build up his argument a little more by talking about planned obsolesce and for example how farmers in america are locked out of fixing their own tractors because of CPUs in them and they have to pay extortionate rates to get them fixed? something to make him seem not just a weird nerd who went off the deep end (although, going that route, give him some pimples?) maybe link it to stuff thats been in the news ie. have him do some swatting? maybe just a 4 panel with 'The Master' playing a game, raging/rage quiting then swatting someone, maybe the police fail to carry it out completely/kill the wrong person so he sends his robots in to finish the job? something that we can relate to him being a villain rather than a sado although i get the impression your aiming for him to be a sado so the swatting kind of achieves that and we can relate to being shocked by it because of the news

Gareth Park

my point about building up his argument is that i thought Thanos in infinity war was up there with my favourite baddies of all time (Darth Vader, Handsome Jack) was because he was putting out a relatable message with populations being too high, and halving the population would sort things being his message and what with over population and climate change right now, while not a doable solution, one can't help but think it'll be the only way to solve the problem. so having the master gripe about tech planned obsolescence well one can agree

James Beatty

I get what you're saying but not every hero has to be relatable. Just believable. This is also a 'comic' strip. It's okay to have a villain you can snicker at a bit.