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Paul F

I understand the words, but what's with the jar? He doesn't want to touch the tickets?

Stephen Shook

I'm stereotyped pretty hard into everyone thinking I'm a hardcore Star Wars fan. While I like the setting... Most of the actual movies I could honestly care less for. My son on the other hand loves the series. Not fanatically but well enough he has Star Wars on his bed sheets. When Episode, I think its 7 starts the most recent, come out and there was a somewhat competent movie and Bam Darth Whiny and Death Planet. If I wasn't there with my wife and Son I would have just noped right out of the theater then. My wife and Son have seen all of the new ones release week. I have not. If I watch them it will be when my son buys them. With that being said I enjoyed Rogue One until I realized the whole plot could have been avoided by the most basic Cyber Security policy. Solo I liked for what it was. A heist movie.