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Launched, not with a bang but with a whimper.



Shawn Spencer

Is the problem here on Stadia's side of things, or the fact that America is still full of really garbage ISPs? Like would Stadia be good on Fiber?

Henrik D. Mikkelsen

Stadia has the same problems as all the other attempts on streaming games - for some reason they all they think that they alone do not get hit by unpredictable internet connections. It is extremely difficult to launch a high-demand service on an uncontrollable connection no matter how good it is on paper. The service quality will depend on something that can not control so they will get a fluctuating service and that in the long run is not going to create any market. It is for the same reason all the major public cloud are now offering customers direct connections to their clouds as that is the only way of eliminating the one thing that are ruining it. So my guess is that Stadia will not be a success unless Google starts to include the physical connection in their service

Stephen Shook

I have it on 1gb fiber. Think mid level gaming PC with games above realistic market value and competent aftermarket controller.