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I sometimes find myself divided between the Dad in me, and the nerd in me. The Dad part of me always wins out, because my kids are the most important thing in my life. But I've been a nerd for much longer than I've been a Dad, so it's still a pretty loud inner voice.

Even as a kid in the 90s, I remember complaining about the X-Men cartoon and how Wolverine only ever used his claws against the Sentinels, or to open doors. Against humans he would broadside them with the flat of the blade to knock them out, and it always bothered me, because I knew how he used his claws in the comics.

I'm looking forward to checking out Jedi: Fallen Order this week. I was not super blown away when it was first revealed, but through additional footage its slowly grown on me, with its Souls-inspired methodical combat and Uncharted-esque platforming. The Dad part of me is glad that it's a game that my boys could watch me play, without seeing anything too graphic for them. That they could enjoy some cool Star Wars stuff.

But the nerd in me screams every time I see Cal slice through a Stormtrooper and no limbs go flying.



Dmitry Mandriko

Um, actually... The kind of energy and temperature involved in a working lightsaber will lead to violent explosions of overheated steam whenever it comes in contact with significant amounts of water, such as found in living bodies... So, however painful it is for you, imagine how much it hurts physicists (I'm not one myself). :-) P.S. By "it" I mean the way lightsabers are represented, of course, not coming into contact with them.

Stephen Shook

Isn't it the same team that did Titanfall 2? That gets me interested if its possible.