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I feel like the Switch has gone through an extremely radical renaissance in my household over the past year. Part of that is the growing games library, sure. But I think an even bigger part is that my two boys are approaching the ages where they can both watch and play more games. And in looking at games that are appropriate for their ages in both content and mechanics, Nintendo just tends to have a massive advantage.

After playing BotW, I probably didn't touch my Switch more than once or twice (probably to show it off to friends) for a full year. In stark contrast, this year I have probably played my Switch more than either of my other two consoles.

Nintendo has, for a long long time, been the last-place console in my house, behind the Playstations and Xboxes that brought the latest, cutting edge stuff. But now that my focus is on family, Nintendo has definitely found a seat at the table.



Lee Reynolds

I agree. The only current gen console I own is the Switch, and its because of my 9 year old son. He loves BotW, and all the Mario games. It’s been neat exposing a new generation to Mario Kart

Amanda Stephan

Stardew Valley on my Switch and there is no other gaming system getting power/play in my house now.