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As a side effect of my job, I mostly try to play games when they're new, topical, popular. But, like any game, I have a backlog. Games that I have to simply let slide past because there's too much on my plate, or that I simply missed.

Occassionally, I carve out a little time for those, but it's always feels really weird for me; like I'm experiencing something in a temporal vortex. I look around like "Oh shit, did you see this cool thing the game did and--" and yeah... they saw it. Years ago. And they no longer give a shit. They already talked about all the cool things, and you weren't a part of it.

I can't help but notice it, enjoying a game in a bubble like that, removed from the community aspect of everyone experiencing the game together (in a parallel play sort of way) that takes place when a game first launches. Perhaps it's just me, because games are my work and whenever I play, I'm also looking for material. But with older games, it's sort of like "Nah, it's not topical anymore. It's been years, chances are someone already made that joke."

At any rate... yeah, I finally started playing Shadow of War last week, for some reason. Just, was in the mood, I guess. It's, uh... it's big. Like maybe too big. But fun for the same reasons Shadow of Mordor was fun, so there's that.



Shawn Spencer

Oh man. I have around 600 games on steam I haven't played. Probably 200+ games for PS3, PS4, and Switch I haven't played. Some of them even still in their case with the shrink wrap on em.

Todd Beaubien

You mean playing a game once the devs have fixed all the bugs they are going to? You mean playing after there are good youtube 'get started' videos? You know, after you're sure it is going to be worth your time?