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Shawn Spencer

I'm a little confused why Ethan got arrested and fingerprinted for that. That being said, he's been seen by robots, who could easily analyze his image and place it anyway, without the assistance of fingerprints, the mask would mean little.


Presumably because he tripped/assaulted a police officer, and that would probably seriously irritate said officer. He might arrest him on suspicion of working with the thief. *shrug* I've read of people being arrested for less, but then not charged. Re: Your second point, a city the size of Omnitropolis would contain millions of citizens. Being able to match with image recognition would require both having a clear picture of Ethan's face, as well as having his picture in some sort of database to search.

Brian Dickens

I was half expecting Ethan's IQ to show up in his personal stats. :) I wonder, how high (or low) would his IQ even be? :P