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I'm struggling guys, I won't lie. This has been a tough weekend. I'm determined to keep trucking to the best of my ability, and keep producing content, just bear with me if I don't quite seem like myself for a bit.



Daniel Watkins

I would encourage you to take a week or two and collect yourself if you are overwhelmed. Maybe keep your big picture stuff like the high tier DND stuff churning in the background and stop the mon,wed,fri regular comics for a week or two. Or just go full stop on everything for a week or something. You work really hard for your brand and content so if things are too much right now I think most of us would understand you need some space or reduced workload.

Caleb Haynes

I don’t think any reasonable person would take offense if you took a period of mental health to allow yourself to refresh and recharge. You’ve been delivering content at a regular pace for quite a while- everyone needs some time off. You’ve earned it!