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The only issue I have with EGS is that they've listed a couple games as 'new releases' when they actually had already released on steam month before. Thanks to that I now own multiple copies of Rebel Galaxy & 0 copies of Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.


Honestly, my problem is mostly how sparse the featureset is. No review integration or user reviews (or rather, user reviews are strictly opt-in by the publisher), no way to filter by genre or tags or such, most titles have a dearth of still photos, or even any gameplay footage at all. There's no ability to wishlist or otherwise "follow" a game. Hell, even ubiquitous keybinds like Mouse 4 to go back don't work. It's like someone hacked together a shiny-looking Steam knockoff in a few months to try to compete. Oh wait... Like, don't get me wrong, I think Valve *needs* some competition in the game market space. I'm not a big fan of the exclusivity contracts, but at the same time, I have to acknowledge that without *something* along those lines, potential competitors don't have a snowball's chance in hell of going toe-to-toe with Steam. But the EGS is lacking *so* many critical and industry-standard features and systems. It's incredibly frustrating to even try to use their store.


I get where you're coming from & you are absolutely correct. Compared to Steam the EGS launcher is lacking. I buy & research games through my browser. In the instance I listed above, I saw the game as a new release on EGS, opened my browser & researched how good it was, rather than doing my full diligence. However, compared to other launchers, it's actually surprisingly functional. The XBOX for PC launcher, as an example, is an absolute mess. Origin, uplay, blizzard, those all have serious drawbacks as well. That's why I'm really looking forward to GoG's GALAXY 2.0 - Hopefully it will resolve all of these issues.