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No Man's Sky is one of my favorite video game comeback stories. While I don't think it excuses the massive over-promising that took place to hype the game, the past couple of years have been an amazing example of putting your head down, getting to work, not giving up, and turning the ship around. I think it's a good example that people can make mistakes, but can also fix those mistakes if given a chance.

With that said though, I feel like no matter what they add to the game, there's ALWAYS going to be a sentiment of "Okay, but what about X feature?" simply because the scope of the game originally pitched was so massive, and because the game universe does in fact feel so infinite.

It seems like a problem of having a game SO 'open world' that it also maybe feels impossible to ever really "finish" it, if you know what I mean. Every time I check in on NMS, no matter what they've added (and it is leagues better now than it was), I can't shake the feeling that I should still wait through a few more years of updates, so I can play the "real" game.

I have a lot of hours in the PS4 version, but still... I am very tempted to rebuy it on Steam just to check it out in VR on my Oculus.




I'd just like to say thanks, I really wanted to spend 10 minutes today trying to figure out how a urine-based economy would work...


I totally agree with how you feel on this one :)... Getting ready to dive back in... (and a urinebased economy... would be... interesting)...