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It doesn't bother me that the new Avengers game does not feature the MCU heroes. Anyone who paid event he slightest bit of attention already KNEW that was not going to be the case way back when they first teased this game. So I'm not bummed that Cap doesn't look like Chris Evans; in fact, I prefer that Marvel develop their own Video Game Universe and that it be its own thing.

BUT with that said... there's still no excusing the lazy, hideous costumes some of the heroes are wearing. Cap's weak-ass riot gear... Thor's massive dinner-plate sized chest medals... Tony's chinese knock-off version of the MK43 is probably the least offensive.

As they've announced that A) They want to support this game long term and B) they're not going to charge for new heroes/levels, that only leaves one real source of income for their microtransactions: cosmetic skins (which are confirmed.)

So I would not be AT ALL surprised to find that, via an in-game skin, we CAN actually get an outfit for Cap that looks like the MCU Strike Suit, or the Endgame scale mail. We might just have to buy it separately.




Seems to be the way of any F2P game these days. Make things irritating enough that people will pay money to avoid the irritation, but *not* irritating enough that they stop playing the game.