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I really dislike it when games shove their character creation into the narrative. I really prefer that it take place outside in the menus, and not occur after my guy already has a presence in the game world. It just feels weird. Anyone else agree?





Eh, I thought it a rather inventive and clever manner of doing the character creation. In some ways it defies immersion, but in others its much better. I mean, Fallout 3's method was even weirder, where you're designing your character *while you're a freaking 20-second-old infant*.

Vega Chaos

nice comic but I disagree this progress should be out of the way as soon as possible and in the end it wont really matter want you look like you wont see your head in 1st person mode and you will only see the back of it in 3rd person when the fate of the would rests on your jaw line I might put some more effect into making a charterer