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Okay, this is something I've been working on for a little while now.

Late last year, during a Q&A video, I mentioned that it was my intention to eventually close out the current Patron comic storyline, and start fresh with something new and fun and less totally weird and random.

My dream was to create something that not only challenges me as an artist and writer, but also involves you guys in a way that I'm not sure has ever been done before. I've finally put together enough of a draft of what that's looking like, that I can share it with you so you have an idea of where I'm headed.

The Depths of Doomhold is basically one of my Choose Your Own Adventure series, but ratcheted up to eleven. Rather than just offering a couple of choices every so often like I do with Starcaster, I'm curious to see what we can do if I let you guys provide input on nearly EVERYTHING.

I am fully aware that this is incredibly ambitious. It scares me because I don't know what it looks like in practice; I'm still brainstorming some particulars and fine tuning certain aspects. It might turn out really awesome, or it might be an incredible disaster. But I THINK, either way... it could be really fun to TRY.

And if we're being honest... I'm not sure anyone is SUPER invested in the current Patron comic "story," anyway. When I originally created that tier, I had no idea that people would hold onto the pledge long term, and that I'd need to keep coming up with stuff to do with those characters. Now that I have a better idea what that looks like, I think maybe we can make something more interesting for all of us.

But obviously, the reason I'm posting this is that I want to hear what you think.  Does this sound like a fun experiment to you? Do you like the idea of getting to vote and make suggestions to help craft an interactive story like this? Hit me up with some feedback, ask questions, etc!



Nataniel Koulikov

This sounds like an absolute blast and honestly makes me want to back at that tier, and try something like this with my friends. Can't wait to see where it all goes!

Gregory Norris

Sounds good to me though I'm not sure how much I'll personally be able to participate (I usually check Patreon once a week though I'm currently catching up after nearly 2 months of not checking).