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I would love to see the Stadia work and be revolutionary... maybe it will happen. I'm just not hyped based on the presentation this week.

I do think streaming games definitely have a viable future, but I think the internet infrastructure in the US has a long way to go before it can be more than a limited-scope novelty.




Some wearables are getting there... I've heard good things about the Samsung S3. Haven't picked it up, but I like that you can get so many custom faces for it. But yes, a wearable right on your face has to be incredibly subtle, and we aren't there yet.

Henrik D. Mikkelsen

Stadia is not really the first attempt either .. both Geforce Now and PlayStation Now are in the same area and Parsec is showing some promise .. but they all have the same challenge - they are dependent on the Internet which is anything but stable so the services varies from minute to minute. I see the exact same challenge with my customers who elects to go the cloud for their infrastructure and there is no real good solution for that challenge yet... but develops all the time and backbones worldwide are getting better and better.