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Andy Nguyen

When superheroes fight crime, they're generally using superpowers to engage in vigilantism. It's ambiguous, but I'm inclined to believe that Emily is more bothered by the vigilantism than the superpowers. Shawn and Brian's arguments are a valid defense of the superpowers, but they don't really address the vigilantism; for example, why isn't it a valid option for people with superpowers to enlist in or at least closely ally with police/government forces? After all, Ethan himself is a great example that superpowers and good intentions don't necessarily come with good judgment, and there's certainly an argument to be made that added accountability, transparency, training, and collaboration could help mitigate that (sure, Ethan has Lucas, but what happens if something happens to Lucas?). There's also the possibility that people with superpowers could do more to help humanity by doing less visible work than by fighting supervillains in dramatic clashes downtown. We don't know how Voltigo's powers work, but it wouldn't be unreasonable to wonder whether he'd be more helpful spending his days charging a hydroelectric dam, for example.

Paul F

so the broken window thing, kind of makes me think it's a training/discipline problem. Police have specialized training to handle weapons and drive fast in stressful situations, if superheroes are breaking windows by carelessly flying to fast next to buildings, that's a people problem, not a power problem.